It is a complex network of processes in your body responsible for protecting you from diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and cancer cells.
If someone asked you how Americans stay protected from enemy invaders, I suspect you would talk about the Defense Department and it’s branches-Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, in addition to surveillance satellites, radar, human spies, biological and chemical weapons, an arsenal of nuclear weapons, tanks, and landmines. And let’s not forget; protection at border entry sites- border patrol, coast guard, airport custom agents.
To be effective in the event of a surprise attack all these divisions have to be ready and in tiptop shape at all times. They are provided the resources to stay fit; frequent training and exercise, good nutrition, adequate rest, appropriate stress management programs. And if there is a battle and more troops are needed they are mobilized from our military bases.
Does this sound familiar? Well, guess what?
That is exactly how the immune system within your body functions. If you look at a few drops of your blood under the microscope, you will see a bunch of immune cells that come in different shapes and sizes and have fancy names like Natural Killer cells, neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, B cells, T cells, plasma cells, antibodies, dendritic cells, etc. etc. They are all a part of the body’s defense system. Other branches of this system are stationed at body portals of entry such as the nose, ears, eyes, intestines, mouth, lungs, skin, breastmilk, etc. Some roam around the body as surveillance agents looking for intruders while others like Killers T cells are laden with lethal chemical weapons that can destroy bacteria or viral invaders in seconds, and macrophages that have the capacity to completely engulf a germ and destroy it.
The body also has its own “military bases”. These are the liver, spleen, bone marrow, lymph glands, and the inner lining of blood vessels. These “troops” are stationed within certain tissues of your body and are ready to be mobilized on short notice in the event of an invasion by a germ.
This may come as a surprise to you, but your body is constantly producing cancer cells which are rapidly destroyed by your immune system. Additionally, there is clear and effective ongoing signaling and communication activity between your body cells and various parts of your immune system.
Pretty exciting stuff, isn't it?
As you go about living your life and minding your business, just like American System of Defense, every branch of your body’s ‘military’ continues to do his job to protect you and it needs to be in the best possible shape in order to do a good job of it. Therefore you must provide the things it needs to do its job well. All the cells and structures in your immune system need protein and micronutrients such as zinc, copper, vitamin C, and iron.
Zinc and copper play an extremely crucial role in invigorating many of the cells in your immune system. Additionally, they are instrumental in establishing conditions for better signal communication between immune cells so they can all function in a coordinated and effective manner. These minerals and vitamin C also help the immune system in repairing and regenerating tissue after an invasion from intruders or an injury of some kind.
A deficiency in zinc suppresses your immune response, makes you more susceptible to infections, and diminishes the ability of your macrophages(large immune cells) to engulf and destroy invading germs.
Finally, for your body’s immune system to function at an Elite level the following conditions among several other factors must be met;
- adequate supply of micronutrients it needs.
- adequate protein intake
- adequate sleep and rest
- adequate physical exercise
- healthy stress and weight management
- avoidance of lifestyle choices such as smoking, drug use, excessive stress, and problematic alcohol consumption